Anglesea Summer Training Camp, 2014
Anglesea 2014 was undoubtedly USMA Taekwondo’s best annual summer training camp yet! Between January 9-13, Taekwondo students, and club supporters who came along, participated in a vigorous workout regime. More than 50 people took part in the event which involved four days of 6am wake-ups and intensive training sessions at Anglesea beach. The early classes may have tested characters but turned out to be an excellent way for everyone to get back into fitness mode after a festive holiday break.

To recap:
Our seminar focused on patterns, sparring (both competitive and technical) and self-defence. A grading also took place at the camp. We are very proud to announce that Lance Rubin and Brendan Lacota were promoted to the rank of 3rd-Degree Blackbelt on Saturday January 10. On behalf of USMA Taekwondo we congratulate them on this outstanding achievement. On Sunday 11th January students took part in a gruelling technical training session, but their hard work was rewarded afterwards with a visit to Luna Park and day of relaxation by the beach.

All up, the camp was a great success and, though it will be hard to top this, we look forward to seeing you all at next year’s summer training camp.